Ray Bradbury Theater Listings on Amazon Prime

Occasionally, I think about revisiting Ray Bradbury Theater.  My original takes were pretty negative.  As mentioned yesterday, maybe my expectations were too high.  Maybe I was in a rush to post every day back then.  Maybe it was due to the very poor transfers on the $9 DVDs.

I remembered that they are on Amazon Prime, so decided to try a couple.  When I saw the disrespect Amazon gives the series, I started to think maybe I was right. These icons are exactly as they currently appear on Amazon, and they have been there for quite a while.

I’m pretty sure that 3rd picture is Saul Rubinek from the dreadful episode Gotcha!.

Carol Kane and Shelley Duvall were only in 1 episode each, so I don’t know how they were both in 2 different seasons.  And wearing the same clothes.

Leslie Nielsen’s name is misspelled.  

But most likely to prevent me from watching it again:

Amazon Prime Recommendations

I see Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is described at Wiki as a satire or black comedy.  Listing it as a Comedy recommendation seems like a stretch, though.

Classifying a western about a water-rights war with John Wayne and Robert Mitchum as a Romance is just bizarre, and a little brokebackish.

A movie about a male gigolo would seem to preclude Romance.  A movie starring Rob Schneider would seem to preclude Comedy.  So I don’t know where this one belongs.

The only one that makes sense is Borat 2.  It is laugh out loud funny.