Ray Bradbury Theater – A Sound of Thunder (S3E6)

The arrogant Mr. Eckels steps off the elevator into the lobby of Time Safari Inc.  Maybe part of his superior attitude is that he sees the lunkheads at RBT have pluralized safari with an apostrophe — SAFARI’S.

He hands over his ticket and is introduced to safari guide Travis, the poor man’s Muldoon.  Eckels hands him a data card which provides Travis with biographical info.  He is a big game hunter who has “shot everything.”  His quickness to hand over payment tells us maybe he is a bored rich-boy content to let his guides do the heavy lifting until he can get out of the air-conditioned Jeep and plug the animals.

Once they are suited up and armed, they march through a needlessly smokey corridor to the time machine.  As they go, Eckels quotes extensively and grandiloquently from the company’s brochure.  Bradbury did not have Serling’s weakness for padding out scenes with extended monologues, but he never quite mastered the difference between writing for the page versus the screen.

Out of chars and ashes, like golden salamanders, the old years, the green years, will leap.  Roses sweeten the air, white hair turns black, wrinkles vanish.  All, everything flies back to seed.  Flee death.

That’s great on the page, but not so much on screen; and also probably not so much in a company brochure.  Travis, appropriately, snorts in Eckels’ general direction.

rbtsound02They materialize 60 millions years in the past.  A silver anti-gravity walkway extends from the ship, into the jungle.  The group is warned to stay on the path.  The death of even a single roach or flower or blade of grass could have catastrophic effects millions of years in the future.

Eckels does turn out to be a panicky Pete.  When the T-Rex comes into view, he is clearly terrified — bug-eyed and quivering.    As it draws closer, we get another classic Bradbury better-on-the-page exclamation from Eckels, “My God, it could reach up and grab the moon!”

rbtsound04In awe of the creature’s size, Eckels fearfully says, “No one can kill that.  It can’t be killed.”  Travis orders him back to the ship, but he is frozen in fear.  He begins backing away and steps off the pathway.  Travis and the rest of the group shoot the dinosaur.  Eckels joins the fun by firing wildly at the animal.  As punishment, Eckels is made to dig the bullets out of the carcass — pack it in, pack it out.

They return to the future, but find differences ranging from subtle to horrific.  Travis examines Eckels’ boots and sees that when he fell from the platform, he killed a butterfly, setting in motion a series of changes which millions of years later would catastrophically result in an Ashton Kutcher movie.

Given the budget and the chowderheads producing this series, they did about as good a job as could have been expected.  I’m on the fence about Kiel Martin as Eckels — either he perfectly personifies Eckels’ fear-cloaked-in-arrogance, or he is just a complete ham.  John Bach is great as the guide.  Yeah, the effects are not Jurassic Park, but you work with what ya got, and they seemed to make the most out of what they had.

The last frame of the episode contains a shock even if you know it is coming.  Congrats to RBT for getting surprisingly dark.  In the context of the series, I’d have to say this was a success, one of the best.


  • This is arguably Bradbury’s most famous story.  At one time, it was the most frequently reprinted story in history.  Naturally, it is not in the “100 Most Celebrated Tales” collection that I have.
  • First published in Collier’s Magazine in 1952.
  • NZ-LOTR Connection:  John Bach played Madril in 2 movies.  Director Costa Botes (who also directed The Dwarf) was a cameraman on the 1st one.
  • The story pre-dates the Chaos Theory concept of the Butterfly Effect, and I don’t see any evidence that it was named after the story; but that’s a pretty big coincidence.

9 thoughts on “Ray Bradbury Theater – A Sound of Thunder (S3E6)

  1. Geez, don’t you think railings on the levitating walkway would have been a good idea to prevent falling off? Clearly an OSHA violation.

  2. 1. John Bach is the poor man’s Lance Henriksen.
    2. Kiel Martin is quite believable here: the only issue is that his transition from arrogance to cowardice was too extreme. We should’ve seen a gradual shift in attitude as he realized they really were transported back to Prehistoric times.
    3. When has anyone ever seen a butterfly on the ground that wasn’t injured?
    So why are we to conclude that Travis killed it? I mean, if they were allowed to shoot the dinosaur because it was sickly anyhow, and likely to die, what difference did it make?
    4. How come the dead insect was on the side of Travis’ boot, and not under it? It’s not as if he didn’t land on his feet when he accidentally stepped off the travelator. Oh, and another thing: when the travelator first emerges from the time machine, we see what appears to be a bog of some kind, and suggests some kind of small pond or creek is running through the jungle. So what – it became terra firma once Travis fell onto it.
    5. I fully endorse the science behind the “effect”, but the moral here is, step on a butterfly in the past, wind up with a Dystopian, fascist future? Puh-leeze!

    • I sometimes neglect the comments, so I’m just now seeing how often you stop by. Thanks for chiming in with so many intelligent remarks. It’s tempting to do some rewriting and incorporate your comments into the posts!

      • Thanks, Don! Comet TV does a RBT marathon on Sundays, so it gives me a chance to revisit these episodes multiple times – which makes the anomalies easier to discern.

        • I always think about rewatching these and updating the posts. Most from this era were written in real time at 3 am.

          But the thought of sitting through these or Night Gallery again — yikes!

          • Especially those “Sixth Sense” episodes starring Gary Collins – overwrought and oh so pretentious. Its only saving grace is the celebrity talent on display; from Will Geer to Frank Converse to Stephanie Powers and Steve Forrest.

  3. Excellent review. I am an English teacher, and use this story and video for my classes. Here are my comments and obsverations:

    1. You are absolutely spot on with the “better on paper than omn screen” comments. Eckels’ comments should have been a little different in the video. Don’t forget, Bradbury was a script writer for the series, and he oversaw everything. Those lines uttered by Eckles were written in the 50s. They had no place in the late 80s.
    2. What happened to Lesperance in the video?
    3. Travis, Eckles AND Kramer leave the “Path” whilst Eckles is looking for dino bullets. Any one of them could have messed with the flora and fauna.
    4. I am 50. The leads are in their mid 40s. FUCK they looked old.

    Best regards,
    Mr. B.

  4. Remember: if someone asks to take your gun from you and it’s very obvious that they’re going to shoot you, *by all means*, give them the motherfucking gun, don’t fight back at all and make a goddamn retarded face before you buy the farm.

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