An Edsel cruises by a sporty little number by the side of the road. Her stalled car is also pretty sporty [1]. John Prescott takes a look under the hood. Not seeing a big on/off switch, he is as baffled as I would be. Unlike my typical situation, however, the first words out of Lila’s mouth are not “I have a boyfriend.” Thinking maybe she is just out of gas, he dips a stick in her gas hole. He finds it bone-dry so pushes her car literally an additional 2 inches off of the road, crumpling her license plate.[2]
They head over to the Roadside Inn for a couple of martinis. When Lila sees the bartender making a call and hears the name Morgan Debs, she tells John they have to leave. She makes him drop her off at a garage, but tells him to meet her at Lookout Point at 9:00.
That night, John parks at Overlook Point. Soon, Lila emerges from the trees. She tells John she has always loved this spot. “It is here that I brought all my problems, here that I came to celebrate my small triumphs.[1]” But one night something terrible happened, she says. Just then, wheelchair-bound Morgan Debs (Boris Karloff) rolls up. He’s in a car, but he still rolls up; just not in the wheelchair.
John goes to Debs’ car. Debs tells him the woman he was to meet here will not show up; that she agrees John should go on his way. John tells the old man that Lila is here with him now. When he looks back at the car, though, it is empty. John dutifully goes to the police station. The sheriff is no help, so John goes to see the mechanic where Lila took her car. He also knows nothing. The trip isn’t in vain though as John gets clubbed senseless.
When he awakens the next morning, he takes the inn-side road back to the Roadside Inn. He roughs up the bartender to get Lila’s address. He goes to her home and is welcomed in by Lila’s mother. She says Lila is in her room upstairs and goes to get her.
While waiting, John looks at a photo of Lila. He is shocked when he sees Morgan Debs roll in to the living room; although less shocked than if he had been in the car again. Debs admits he ordered his chauffeur to beat him. Then he reveals that Lila has been dead for three years. She drove her car off Lookout Point killing her and leaving Debs in a wheelchair. Debs produces some old newspaper clippings that describe Lila’s death. Judging by the 5,000 point font, she is apparently the only person ever to die in this town.
Debs says this happened once before. She appeared at the site of her death, then disappeared. He says he had hoped this time would be the end of it. Well how does he know this isn’t the end of it? Lila’s mother was driven mad by her daughter’s death. That explains why she claimed Lila was upstairs. Having the crazy-lady live in a 2-story house with her caretaker in a wheelchair seems to be just asking for trouble. “I’ve fallen and you can’t get up.”
John describes the Triumph that Lila was driving. Debs confirms that was her car, but says it has been lying at the base of Lookout Point for three years. John goes to see for himself and finds the Triumph with the same crumpled license plate; though covered by cigarette butts, whiskey bottles and used condoms.
Pretty dull outing made entertaining by the lovely Eve Brent. Sadly her scenery-chewing co-star Tod Andrews gets much more screen time. She really is something special though, as is the TR3. Otherwise, it is just another retelling of the old urban legend. Maybe not so old at the time, but that won’t help current viewers.

There was also a dude in this episode
- [1] A 1955 Triumph TR3.
- [2] Lila’s license plate is LK-333. For such a random set of characters, it shows up in a lot of places: Swatches, toilet brush wallmounts, hand lotion dispensers, art, real estate, and padlocks.
- Written and directed by George WaGGner, screenwriter of The Wolf Man.
- IMDb and YouTube.