Tales of Tomorrow – The Search for the Flying Saucer (11/09/51)

ttsearch2The sponsor is still Kreisler Watch bands.  Their new jeweled band will be popular with the ladies because ladies “love jewels from their forehead to their fingertips.”  What? But on to the show . . . .

Dateline Las Palmas, New Mexico — population 860.  At Mother Walker’s Boarding House, Vic Russo finds an old geezer playing with himself — or to clarify, playing a game of chess against himself.  Vic asks for a room and the geezer says they are particular about strangers, which seems like a problem in the booming field of hotel / motel management.

Luckily, a woman who must be Daughter Walker comes into the lobby wearing a bathing suit.  At $25/week, this must be a Motel .06.  Ginny Walker guesses that Vic is a newspaperman looking into the flying saucer reported in their little town.

ttsearch3Vic finds the locals afraid to discuss the reported flying saucer.  He comes back to his room to find the old geezer going through his stuff. He has learned Vic’s true identity — an army pilot who was grounded for talking too much about flying saucers.

Trivia:  it was only four years earlier that the Air Force was split off from the Army in order to more efficiently execute missions and distribute congressional graft.

Ginny figures out that Vic is not a reporter because he doesn’t have a typewriter with him.  Also because he doesn’t smell like whiskey and has an “I Like Ike” bumper sticker on his car.  The geezer enters the lobby carrying a hunk of metal that he says is from a saucer.  The old man tries to tell his story, but Ginny cuts him off.  She is a champion debunker.

At 1 am, Ginny comes to Vic’s room.  They had apparently had a 1950’s hook-up.  Vic admits that he is a grounded pilot and not a reporter.  She still refuses to accept his stories of flying saucers.  He lists off witness who have seen saucers, but she will not believe.

ttsearch5He goes with the geezer to see a flying saucer.  The geezer takes him to a shack, but the occupant disappeared after seeing the saucer. After he goes to look for the saucer, Ginny tells a confidant that there are too many people on their literal alien tails.

He decides it is time for them to leave earth.  Ginny breaks down in tears sobbing, “They didn’t send me here to fall in love.”

The performances were good — Jack Carter and Olive Deering were especially good. Jack Carter was a nightclub comedian at the time, and not known as an actor.  Despite this being only his third IMDb credit, he seemed more natural and competent than many veterans on this early live series.

I had high hopes just based on the title.  Sadly, this is just an utter nothing of a story. Most UFO reports hold more water than this story.  This is swamp gas.


  • Written by Mel Goldberg who also gave us The Crystal Egg, Test Flight and Sneak Attack.
  • Olive Deering went on to play Moses’ sister in The Ten Commandments.  If it wasn’t so late, I’d work in the ancient aliens building the pyramids.
  • 63 years after this aired, Jack Carter (Vic Russo) was a guest on Norm MacDonald’s podcast.
  • The episode is available on YouTube, but why would ya?

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