Tales from the Crypt – Ear Today . . . Gone Tomorrow (07/12/96)

Glynn Fennell has his titular ear against a safe as he listens for the tumblers.  He spins the dial as frantically as me when the 1-877-Kars-4-Kids jingle comes on the radio.  It doesn’t help that there is an alarm blaring, and a Ray-Ban Wearing French New Wave hipster nagging him to hurry.  It also doesn’t help that the hipster knocks him out.

The hipster is revealed to not be French as he is named Henry and not Henri.  And knocks a dude out.  He is just a black-turtleneck, Ray-Ban-wearing rando; not even a randeau.   The lights come up, the alarm stops, and Henry rehangs a picture over the safe.  He apologizes to his boss, Mr. Lawson, for wasting his time auditioning this loser.

Mr. Lawson says, “I’m not ready to give up yet — I’m a problem solver.”  The solution apparently involves tying Glenn spread-eagle on the pool table and breaking a cue across his chest.  Lawson had expected Glenn to use his safe-cracking skillz to pay off gambling debts that he owed to Lawson’s gangstas.

Kate Lawson enters.  Mr. Lawson says, “Her beauty is not so much a tribute to the hand of God as to the meticulous craftsmanship of some of this country’s finest surgeons.”

Mr. Lawson again proclaims his disappointment in Glynn.  As he is leaving, he orders Henry to kill him.  Hey, what happened to Mr. Problem Solver?  Señor Solucionador de Problemas?  And what was the point of tying him up, anyway?  Its almost like the writer had never written anything before.  Or since.

Glynn explains to Kate why he couldn’t open the safe.  During his last stint in prison, he was beaten so badly that his hearing was damaged.  Due to the abuse in prison, he can no longer function as a safe-cracker.  Or any job that requires a lot of sitting.

Kate lines up a pool shot, aiming right between Glynn’s spread legs.  This looked to be a fun bit of business, so naturally they did nothing with it.  Jackass got there first anyway. [2]

Mrs. Lawson has an idea for Glynn.  She whispers it to her husband and he orders Glynn freed.  Mr. Lawson says if he repays his debt in 10 days, he can live.

With time and money being critical, Glynn naturally hangs out at the pub.  Mrs. Lawson finds him there.  She dips her shades and he sees that she now has cat eyes, with vertical slit pupils.   She wants Glynn to break into her husband’s safe and promises, “You’ll never have to worry about money again.”  She says he better agree because her husband is going to kill him in 5 days.  Wait, has he just dicked around for the first five days?

She drives them back to Casa de Lawson, and makes an appointment for Glynn with her surgeon.  Then she gets completely naked.  Her husband wasn’t kidding about the surgery!  The boobs have had some work, but overall, Mrs. Lawson is amazing!  Kudos to TFTC for going out with a bang. [1]

Blah blah blah.  Frankly, anything after that nude scene is going to be a let down.

Like the writer, the director has no other TV directing credits on IMDb.  There were, however, a few flourishes that I enjoyed.  Most of the cast did their best with what they were given, especially the wacky surgeon.  An over-the-top ending redeems the episode.  In fact, if they had taken more crazy risks like that, the season would have been much better.

Other Stuff:

  • [1]  This is the last live-action episode of the series.  I need a new series, stat!
  • [2]  Actually, Jackass started 4 years later.  Also, I know the clip is of them using a croquet mallet, but close enough.
  • Even the novelty / relief of this being the last episode was not enough for me to be interested in this episode.  Maybe because I still might watch the animated finale.

3 thoughts on “Tales from the Crypt – Ear Today . . . Gone Tomorrow (07/12/96)

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