September 2023

Ginger Snaps (2000) — Hey, that sounds familiar! Criterion Channel.

St. Vincent (2014) — The comedy comes and goes like Bill Murray’s Brooklyn accent. Naomi Watts’ Russian accent is more consistent but WTF wants to hear Naomi Watts talk with a Russian accent? Decent way to kill 102 minutes.  Amazon.

A Haunting in Venice (2023) — Ross Perot Hercule Poirot debunks a séance and deduces the murderer!  The revelation here is Tina Fey. I think she is one of the few true talents in Show Biz today. But she is woefully miscast here. I mean so painfully bad that she brings down the movie.  They should have killed her in the first act and kept Michelle Yeoh around for the dénouement. Theater.

Disappearance (2002) — It does not bode well that the title card says this is a TBS Superstation production; or that the plot is the same as an old Brady Bunch vacation episode (ghost town, not Hawaii).  However, it is a surprisingly fine example of the trope, ably carried by Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey.  Amazon.

Le Mans (1971) — Read the simple synopses for Duel and Le Mans and you’ll wonder how good full length movies could be made from them.  After watching Le Mans, you’ll still wonder. Criterion Channel.

Electra Glide in Blue (1973) — I’ve been meaning to watch this for 50 years just because of the cool title. Even the star murdering his wife couldn’t spike my interest. Sadly, a letdown after 5 decades, but what wouldn’t be?  Amazon.

Becky (2020) — Neo-Nazi Kevin James picks the wrong 15 year old girl to mess with. Well, not that there would have been a right one. Fine entry in the girl-kills-alllll-the-men genre.  A great treat to unknowingly watch the flawed sequel first, then discover this superior original existed.  More Becky!  Showtime.

The Wrath of Becky (2023) — Colorful poster, sassy title, great camerawork, good casting, classic teen-girl-kills-allll-the-men trope, Stifler . . . and slow as f***ing molasses. There is a great 74 minute movie in this OK 84 minute movie.  Showtime.

Coogan’s Bluff (1968) — Proof that you can’t put Clint Eastwood in just anything and expect it to be great. If you didn’t already see Paint Your Wagon, I mean. Criterion Channel.

Man’s Favorite Sport? (1964) — Rock Hudson, a sex symbol who secretly didn’t like girls, portrays a fishing expert who secretly doesn’t like to fish.  Yeah, one of those insipid 1950s rom-coms from the 1960s. However, there are bright colors, a few laughs, and a very adorkable Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Paula Prentiss.  Criterion Channel.

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974) — Sleaze incarnate Peter Fonda and the British Melissa George, Susan George, are hippies on the lam. Original title: Smelly Mary Smelly Larry. Trigger Warning: Vic Morrow spends most of the film in a helicopter.  Fun stuff.  Criterion Channel.

Fear is the Key (1972) — Kinda misplaced in Criterion’s ’70s Car Movies Collection since it spends just as much time underwater. Also, why this Barry Newman flick but not Vanishing Point (1971)? Still, fun to see Dean Wormer, Ben Kingsley with hair, and Nell Carter’s boss. Criterion Channel.

Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) — Creative Hollywood geniuses know how to improve on the original — increase the number of cars to 50!  Actually better than I expected because I had it confused with another Nicolas Cage flick, the dreadful Drive Angry (2011). AMC+.

Gone in 60 Seconds (1974) — Drug lord contracts Maindrian Pace to steal 48 cars in 24 hours. Almost cinéma vérité in it’s lack of narrative and art. But man is it groovy to watch those 5,000 pound 1970’s cars zoom around and obey the laws of physics!  Criterion Channel.

Massacre at Central High (1976) — The first After-School Special with full frontal nudity. It’s OK, the high school students are in their 20’s. Criterion Channel.

Duel (1971) — Peterbilt tanker truck chases Dennis Weaver’s Plymouth Valiant through the desert. Really, that’s about it. But it’s enough for Spielberg to make it his first classic. Just don’t think about how Weaver is going to get back from that dead-end, closed desert road 20 miles from nowhere. Criterion Channel.

The Horserace

Sorry for all the Criterion Channel which .01% of people have.  They have a good slate this month.

I’m back on Hulu.  I am soooo bored, I needed my 24 and Arrested Development back.

The new date for A Murder at the End of the World is November 14.  They are doing everything they can to sabotage this series.  Brit Marling deserves better.  Maybe it’s time for Criterion to try an original.  This is not a link, it is a grab from the ABC Website:

7 thoughts on “September 2023

  1. I was going through all your posts recently and realized that next year this blog will be 10 years old.
    Damn, times flies by in a blink, huh¿

    One love from Poland.

    BTW Mr. Inbetween is phenomenal.

  2. I read Martians go home when I was a teen
    half a century ago. Thanks for reminding me of Frederic March. I have been reading his stuff ever since.

  3. I read Martians go home when I was a teen
    half a century ago. Thanks for reminding me of Frederic March. I have been reading his stuff ever since your mentioning him.

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