Host Truman Bradley is trying to prove something again — as usual, I have no idea what. He drops a mouse 2 feet and the little fellow is not hurt. He then picks up a fully grown cat by the scruff — not cool, Truman! — and drops him several feet. His next demonstration is the effect on a human body to being dropped from 35 feet. To his credit, he does not roust some bum up to the roof. On the other hand, he does game the results by using a ceramic statue.
This somehow illustrates that “as man evolved, he relied on brains more than brawn.” However, “man eventually understood the benefits of physical fitness . . . programs of health and body-building are world-wide. All sorts of gadgets and machines exercise our muscles.” And that’s just so we can try to break our gym contract.
Truman tells us, “Our story begins on the campus of Haverly College”. SFT normally gives its institution generic names like “small midwestern college”. This might be the first time an actual name has been used. Now, if we could only get One Step Beyond to adopt this standard for their allegedly “true stories”.
Hey, it’s TV’s Martin Milner playing Britt! Old viewers might remember him from Adam-12 (1968-1975). Older viewers might remember him from Route 66 (1960-1964). Much older viewers might think he is their grandson. Nurse, how did Timmy get on the picture-box?
Britt is getting chewed out by everyone for quitting the football team. Even his girlfriend Jill doesn’t understand why he quit to go work with Dr. Kendall. Now the football coach is trying to get him to rejoin the team. When the coach suggests he is just yellow, Brit grabs his arms so tightly that it leaves huge red marks.
Ace reporter Jim Dale witnesses this and comments that Britt has recently grown 2 inches, put on a lot of muscle, and sure has a purty mouth. The journalist runs from the Coach’s office determined to learn Britt’s secret and find a way to blame it on 10 year old Donald Trump.
Dale snoops around and catches Britt lifting enormous weights. Then he watches Britt and Kendall go to the track. Britt runs a mile in 3:10. Yeah, I guess that’s impressive, but I was promised a THREE minute mile in the title! [1] It’s not like Highway Speed Limits where you get a free 10 over. Then Dale photographs Britt lifting a car.
Dale goes back to Kendall’s lab that night. He tries to lift the weights, but finds them too heavy. Jill also stops by the lab. Dale hides, but accidentally unlocks the very poorly designed weight rack. When Jill brushes against it, the huge barbell rolls right down the unnecessarily angled rack. She is knocked down and the bar passes over her like a reverse limbo — over her feet, legs, and stomach, heading for her neck! She is saved only because Britt is a tit-man.

I really wish this were clearer. Boobs — is there anything they can’t do?
The boiz show up and examine Jill’s predicament and luscious lifesaving breasts. Dr. Kendall puts on an electronic belt that has enabled Britt’s superhuman feats. He is able to lift the barbell while the other guys put on some Chubby Checker and slide Jill out.
The college sees the value of Kendall’s work and tells him he can have whatever he needs for his lab. And that’s why Haverly College has the only lab in the country that looks like a Russ Meyer movie — Safety First!
Other Stuff:
- [1] Roger Bannister just broke the 4 minute mile 18 months before this episode aired.
- I don’t see Science Fiction Theatre on the TV Schedules for 1956-1957. Could this all be a cruel hoax?
Hey don,
Earlier this week my dad died.
Thanks to so many entries on here a lot of times at night I have something to keep my mind occupied.
Thank you.
your friendly polish friend